Entrepreneur • Artist
A creator of things… a book, a strategy, a business, a podcast, and a lot of art along the way.
Hello, I’m Catherine, and I am a creator of things.
Award-winning CEO and business leader
Exercising both sides of my brain got me to where I am. But I also learned the rules of the game in business, and I am going to share with you what I have learned, so you can get ahead, too.
Some of the organizations that I accepted the opportunity to speak.
The Rules of The Game for Women in Business
What would happen if you showed up to a hockey game in cleats? Or a swim meet with a helmet? Business has its own rules and the thing is, men have made the rules. This presentation will give you an inside look at how I blossomed in this world because I learned the rules. For women trying to get ahead, get a raise, start a company, or get respected in the business community.
Are You Ready to Start a Business?
Are you ready to start a business? Are you sure? This presentation takes you through the though process to see if you are ready to take that next big step. For people thinking about entrepreneurship.
The Secret Art of Business
Based on my podcast, this presentation will go over how to recapture your creativity and use it to innovate and grow in your career. Don’t think you are creative? Guess again! I will talk to you about the logic and creative power of your brain, your imposter syndrome, and what happens when you can build a career on passion. For entrepreneurs and business leaders that are overwhelmed, under-thinking, and uninspired.
Having Business a Partnership that Works
You have heard the horror stories about partnerships. Maybe you are in a bad partnership now? This presentation goes through what make a great partner for you and your business. For people needing the how-to of having successful partnerships.
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